Wednesday, February 7, 2007

Deathmarch or Tour?

Ok, at first, we called this project The Presidential DeathMarch, but Barbara has asked that we call it The Dead Presidents Tour. I can see what she means. The term Deathmarch might be considered offensive, or might be otherwise misinterpreted. So now we call it the Dead Presidents Tour, but I still like DeathMarch better. We'll have to see what Barbara has to say.


Barbara said...

Finally! I'm onboard. Tony neglected to include Alice with the members of the Presidential Death Tour/March. I wasn't really worried about offending anyone with the "deathmarch" thing, it just sounded like we were trudging along sadly looking for dead presidents. Actually, it's quite a fun adventure.

Tony Rimkunas said...

Oh, and here I thought you were being sensitive to the Veterans of Bataan.